Since coming to prison, I have never seen Chapter 33 enforced on an officer. Only inmates. Prison is a one-way street with the men in blue always dead wrong. There are specification for the length of your hair, your fingernails and the slack in your belt. None of these have bothered me. It's the way prison rolls. But everybody has to report to somebody. And sometimes some people needed to be reminded of that.
Chapter 33 covers dress code to visiting privileges. Basically every point in between. The rules are ever changing and added to and even manipulated to fit the special need of the current situation. Even if you are right according to Chapter 33, there is one final clause in the rule book: "The verbal order of a superior officer is to be followed at all times."
That is a charge...disobeying a verbal order...which carries loss of gain time (inmates earn time that will taken off their sentence for behaving; that is called gain time), a possible D.R. (disciplinary report, which is a write up when you have broken a rule and again lose gain time or pull a potential transfer, etc) and even confinement time (or "the box").
Most recently the problems I have encountered have been with the prison's mail room. The people sorting mail are given the job of a mail handler. They are to scan read your outgoing and incoming mail to make sure there are no security risks present. What exactly is a security risk you ask? Good question....
Obviously, my lady in a bathing suit has been branded a security threat to the well being of this establishment. And not only my lady, but the lady of nearly every man at this institution. When your lady chooses to send you a spicy picture of herself, it will most certainly be rejected by this prisons mail room.
If there were men in the mail room sorting, these letters would come in without delay. No doubt. However, Marion's mail room is operated by women.
Currently I have one or more packages rejected each week by this prison's mail room. I don't believe my lady in her bikini is a threat to the security of this prison. I may give myself a heart attack, but that's not the point here. These packages are being rejected according to Chapter 33. How? Again, good using the rule that states: "No nudity allowed. A fully opaque covering must cover all genitalia. Nothing may suggest that sexual contact is imminent."
Somehow, my lady holding a volleyball on the beach in a conservative swimsuit met resistance to this rule and was rejected. In fact, the resistance my mail is hitting is this mail room. Bending Chapter 33 to fit their need.
Lately, it's been my art. I'm an artist. For years I have mailed out and received pieces of art. Recently all my art is being rejected. You ask why? Chapter 33 of course! "Art is of size and clarity to possibly be used for tattoo patterns."
Yeah....really! My own art that I drew. Taken from my gallery and mailed back to me so I can review my art over the years. Rejected.
Along with this update, I am currently preparing grievances to file against the mail room personnel of this prison. Sure there must be rules, but they need to be enforced both ways.
If you chain up your dog in the sun with no food and water, then poke it with a stick? You are breaking the law. Not to mention, you're an asshole.
Mail is considered federal property. Tampering with it is a federal offense. So quit poking us with a stick! Damn Yankees said it best.....
Don't tread on me.