As a boy, my mother used to tell me to pick my friends carefully. Back then mom would have never approved of my friends. I look around me at my buddies and see the real
Motley Crew. These are my brothers. While you are surrounded by your family and loves ones, I'll do the same. Place my friends around me and try to make each other smile. Deep down, each of us knows there is an empty chair in homes all across the world. That chair is missing someones daddy. A special lady sits down missing her man. A mother is one child short.
Here we are. And we are thinking of you too. If you can look around your table and see every chair filled, then count yourself blessed. I want to tell my friends and loved ones that I'll be home before you know it. Ain't nothing but a hop and a skip and I'll be right back.
I think I speak for all my brothers back here when I say we can't wait to be filling that chair again at your table. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us hooligans!
Lynne & Larry, to a mother and
father who I owe everything and so much more. I'm sorry you must
this Thanksgiving without truly yours. You will be deep in my heart and
on my mind. I
will be home one day to share holidays and love that's hard to find.
I love you both! Happy Thanksgiving!
~ Ran~
A shout-out to all my friends and family: Happy Thanksgiving!
This holiday is a time to be thankful for all the good things in your life and I'm blessed to have each one of you: Mom (of course you're first!), Jenna, and Alex; Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Hussein, Shawn, Brian, and Shirin; Aunt Randy, Uncle Billy, Danny, Mollie, Maggie, and Nina; Brittany, Ashley, and the rest of the Rucker clan; Alley and Angie; Jo; Matt; and everyone else, you know who you are. Thank you for all that you do for me, supporting me, and just basically being a part of my life. Both in the highs and especially the lows. Hopefully this will be the last holiday season I will be separated from you all and next year we will celebrate together.
My love to you all, Chris
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you all for everything you do to help me get through this.
Love, James

I want to say Happy Thanksgiving to
all my friends, family, and to the girl that's been standing by my side
for the last seven years through thick and thin. Bill, Garrett and
Kenzie Cooey, Ryan Conley, and the rest of ya'll. I really appreciate
everything ya'll have done. Thank you for going out of your way to do
what you do for me, and wanting to come visit me. You really do "find
out who your friends are" when you are at a place that I'm at. Mom,
dad, granny, papa: thank you for all of your prayers, for putting up
with everything I've put you through, and your love. I've really
learned how lucky of a person I am to have a family like you guys. And
to Alisha Lecourise, I really do want to say thank you for standing by
my side for all these years, and holdin' on to what we have. I'm really
lucky to have a person like you in my life and to have you by my side.
Thank you for EVERYTHING you've ever done for me, and for your amazing
love you share with me. I know I've taken you for granted a time or
two in our past, but you've somehow found something deep inside your
heart to forgive me, and that's one reason why I love you so much.
Thank you for putting up with all my crap and giving me a chance to
shine. I've got a bad name, but a man can change. I'm living proof of
that. I hope to be home sooner than later to fill in that empty seat.
You guys mean the world to me. And a special thanks to J.J. for being
the guy he is, and caring for others who are also locked up. And thanks
to Brooke for taking the time to set all of this up for us guys who do
have someone out there. Until then, take care and God Bless.
Love, Forrest Robert

From the depths of my heart to my two best friends, mom and dad: Happy Thanksgiving!
Always with love, your SUN
For all of you out there that have someone in here that you support with love and/or friends: thank you!!! You will probably never be able to comprehend just how much of a difference you make in your person's life - at least, I hope you are never in a position to. Personally, I cannot begin to fathom going through this without the support of my family. True friends, the unconditional love of family, and the real deal love of a special person will rarely be appreciated, or even recognized without experiencing and going through, the lowest of low times together and coming through them together. Happy holidays to all of you!
To the people who give my life its value: I am truly thankful, on a daily basis, for you all. I am one of those who can

honestly say, "there is nothing equal to the love of my mother and father, save for the love of God." A special prayer for my grandma Helen, who is 93 and very sick: I pray that you get to read this. To my son, Cody, you are always in my thoughts. To my jasmine-eyed snazzle: I M.U.T. and will 1221 always. And one last big holiday holler to Brooke: thank you so much for making this possible; for giving us a way to make our people feel a little more special, a little closer, and a little more loved; and for being one of those super special, real deal ladies that are so rare.
Happy Holidays!! G.

I am thankful for my family. I am also thankful for Brooke who makes
this whole thing possible. And I want to personally thank all of these
guys who not only got involved with this shout-out, but helped me
celebrate my birthday as well. Never take those you love for granted.
Tell them what they mean to you. When you do this, it will allow you to
grow as a person. We all need to grow as people, both in the free
world as well as in here. Not to mention, we should do this all year.
Not only one day a year. Be blessed, The Hooligan.