This shout-out is quite a bit smaller than the Christmas shout-out. Why? Good question. It is certainly NOT that the men hangin' with J.J. do not love their loved ones. But rather, there are many men that do not have a special lady in their life anymore as time as moved them in different directions. It takes a special woman (or man for the ladies!) that can stand tall through the time, distance and a fence.
Be sure to give your loved ones an extra hug. Stop and remind them how much they mean to you. Be sure that they feel your love. Today, tomorrow for Valentine's Day, and always!
All my love to Jen, Taylor and Jalynn. Happy Valentine's Day to my girls. I love you and miss you. Daddy will be home soon.
Love Always,
A Message to Mi Reina: This may be a day for couples to show and share their love for on another, but since they very first day we've made us official my love from my heart has always been shared with you. Everyday is a hard day for me to get through without my wife. How can a man feel complete missing his other half? After eight years of being together, through good and bad times, you've always remained faithfully by my side. You've made a dream of mine come true when you brought my daughter in this world to always remind me of you. I'll always say that I'm the lucky one. With many more years to come, my love never ends, fails, or dies for you..."Keep it Q." Happy Valentine's Day. I love you always, Ashley!
Your Devoted Husband,
To live life without being loved by you would be like a beautiful butterfly gracefully flying on an early spring morning without its's truly impossible.
To express how grateful I am for having a beautiful, strong woman like yourself that has always protected me with an unselfish heart. Someone who has always bestowed upon me your endless instructions of wisdom - often with gentleness - but sometimes stern. Someone who has been through so much in life with me - and yet still remains by my side today.
After everything we have been through, you still love me without a doubt and I am very grateful to have you by my side. I think about you night and day. I sit and think how I love you more then I love myself, because I know you care.
I decided to try something a little different. There would be no Valentine's Day cards this year. It's time to upgrade. :) I hope you enjoy your Valentine's gift. This goes out to the three most beautiful women in the world. K. Bonner (my mother): without you, there would be no me. D. Wilcox (my grandmother): without you, there would be no me also, but you're the person that has me on the spiritual path I'm on. M. Gibson (my grandmother): you have all of these things I just said, but you're also the heart of the Gibson family. I love you all. Merry Valentine's Day!
St. Valentine's Day is a time where we must reflect upon, but most importantly be thankful for the one we truly love...the one that loves us through our success and our failure, our rights, our wrongs....when it's easy and when it's not....the one that loves us through our today, our yesterday and through our tomorrow. So that leaves me to say, Ashley, I love you. I thank you for loving me and never giving up on this, on us, on everything. You are my strength, my smile, my perfect. Happy Valentine's Day, my love.
Forever under your spell,
On December 24, 2006, my whole life changed when God sent me one of his angels from up above. Her name is Alisha Lecouris. Since that day, I've been the happiest person I've ever been. Yes, we've had our ups and downs. But somehow we've managed to pull through it all. She has stood beside me through this miserable time of my life here in prison, and plans on doing so until I come home, which I wanna thank her for, because the majority of the time, when a man gets locked up, relationships and friendships fall apart. And I'm one of the few that's lucky or should I say blessed enough to still have that one person that makes my life complete. It breaks my heart, not being able to see her on the weekends, due to the D.O.C. suspending her visitation. But maybe that's just another test God is using to build our relationship stronger. So, I wanna use this time to let her know how much I truly love and adore her. Without her, who knows who or where I would be. I wish I was there for you and able to do the things for you that you deserve. But, unfortunately I can't. I love you with all my heart babe. And I want you to know, these past six years of your relationship, have been the best years of my life, and I plan on having many more with you, by my side. I love you, and have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Forrest Robert
Not only is it Valentine's Day, its also my fathers birthday. He's now 52 years old. Happy B-day dad! I love and miss you....I can't wait to see you again.
For my friends and family: Thanks for standing behind me through all my troubles. And an extra thanks to my brother Jerry, my two wonderful sisters Merisa and Summie, my dad Richard and to my beautiful daughter Kelsey....don't ever forget how much I love you, and how proud of you I am. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you. Be home soon 2015.
Today is my day to be thankful for my children and before you look for cupid, look for me. Steven Jr. (aka Lil J.T.), Isaiah (aka RU) and Miss Emma (aka Sweet Pea): Daddy loves all of you so much. Each day that passes by like the wind, I sit here wishng I could have that next visit just to see your faces, to know that you y'all are alright, and just to see pure happiness in your hearts and love gleaming in your eyes. Although the world has taken it's turn for better or for worse, I realize nothing matters more to me than the tree of you. It's not over and I promise that soon daddy is going to get his freedom. One thing I've never done and never will is lie to the three of you. It's Valentine's Day and I want all of you to know that I love you more than anything in this world.
Mom (aka Miss B.), I couldn't ask for a better mother, and you don't know how thankful I am for you being there. I don't know what I'd do without you. Love You & Happy Valentine's Day, Your Son.
Why do we always chase after what's bad for us and what's good for us we take for granted?

Love, Yo Husband Terry
My name is Ivan Matthews, inmate #U04337! To others I am the Ivanimal and to my loved ones I am a real person. My mother's Baby Boy and my children's papa bear. A best friend to my brothers and a little, big brother to my sister. Let's not forget about pops! I am Ivansky to him. Some people look at me crazy because I'm tattooed from head to toe. Deep down inside, I'm a very loving and caring person. I do keep a lot of my doors closed, to keep the unwanted ones out, and the only ones with the keys are my children, my mother and close family members! I do want to crack my door enough to let this out.

Love Always,
Ivan Matthews
Would you be my Valentine?
Forrest Robert, baby I love you so much. No Valentine's day is good without you by my side. Keep your head up and always remember I'm here for you always and forever. I loved you yesterday, I love you still. Always have & always will. <3 Alisha Lynn
Awww, after all these years you ask me to be your Valentine? Of course I will be, you silly boy! You make me smile. :)
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