Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shiny Red Car

Mean people suck.  A phrase I have seen on bumpers of cars many time over the years.

Bumper stickers on your ride may be out of style, but mean people still suck.  There are certain deductions in life you can make.  Although the man in the shiny red sports car may not be compensating for a small penis, many times I suppose they are.  And when one person stands in a group talking much louder than needed, what he's saying is probably unimportant.  Since when what you say (if it's important) will demand one's attention.  We all know empty cans rattle the most....and do they ever.

So what about these mean people?  Perhaps someone is mad that his penis is small and he can't afford the shiny red car.  That would make a guy mad I suppose.  A stupid man can seem smart until he opens his mouth and proves otherwise.  Maybe the guy with the small member should keep pants on?  That way only he will know the caliber of his gun.

Guys are lucky in that way.  Nobody can see the engine if you keep the hood closed.  Imagine if we were more like women and had to wear our pecker on our chest.  Oral sex wouldn't be a problem anymore, but your produce is in the center aisle.  Then again, women found a way to transform the itty bitty titty....thank God for push ups!  They have always been the smarter sex.  It was probably a woman who opened the hood, saw the small radiator hose and quickly invented the penis pump.  Not only do they try to change our bad habits, get us to put the seat down, but now they want to pump on our pecker to make it larger.

So back to mean people.  They are here in prison and they are out there too.  I saw the news of people fighting each other to be at the front of the line to buy their new Apple smart phone.  I thought to myself, "Dear God.  What has the world come to?"  They're fighting in here to be the first in line to get two pieces of bologna and a scoop of cheese grits and their parents are out there fighting over a telephone.

I hope I don't sound like the pissed off person.  Really, I'm not.  What I am is observant.  What I see is really dumb people.  They tell me here that next year they will change the format for the G.E.D. test.  By next year the test will be harder to pass.  It's working though.  Because now dudes are rushing to sign up to take the test while it's still easier.  I don't know why when all your life consists of is the size of the rims on your car and what carat your chain is.  As far as I can tell the man with the most toys when he dies, is still dead.  Maybe it truly does boil down to the shiny red sports car and a penis pump.  Who knows.

I've been in here for five years.  Only five left.  I remind myself of this often.  Some days I see myself as nearly there.  Other days five seems a looooong way of still.  Those days most often come due to mean people, cutting in the line to get their bologna.  What I would like to do is steal your rims for my boat anchor.  Right after I key the paint on your red car, then shove that penis pump up your ass.

But I'm not mad.  I'm just sayin'.....

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