Your Judicious Jailbird friend is an artist. Specifically, a tattoo artist. Here is a new piece that he plans to have added to his collection of body art. Want a unique tattoo design from the lovely felon? Leave a comment here and be entered to win!
(The winner will be announced June 18. The winner will able to request that kind of tattoo design J.J. draws for you!)
Copyright M.S. 2012 and Tattoo'd Hooligan 2012 |
Ever since I got my first tattoo I have wanted another one! I don't know where on my body it should go though. Something classy. JJ designs some pretty classy stuff! Nice work, brother - keep it up!
Sure, I'll enter, but if it comes between just me and your sister, Mike, you gotta go for your sister!
JJ, I've talked with you about my daughter. Actually, I'm sure you remember asking that she listen to your three minutes, I believe it was. I remember that letter well, you were most thoughtful and most kind.
Well, she is currently in the countdown to her 18th birthday. It's in less than a week. For whatever reason, she has a thing for anchors and has been telling me that, one day, she really would like an anchor tattoo.
Personally, an anchor seems an odd choice for a young girl. I asked if she has plans to join the Navy. She gave me that look for which any mother of a teenage female knows all too well. haha She also has an affinity for nautical stars. She's certainly an interesting, complex and complicated young lady.
I am officially entering this contest on behalf of my sweet girl. While I cannot honestly say I am looking forward to her getting any tattoos, I figure if she is bound and determined to, I would much prefer said tattoo to be designed by someone we know and love as this would make is much more special and much more meaningful.
This is for you, my sweet girl. :)
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