Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Feeling Excited, Encouraged & Supported!

Yesterday I had the pleasure to speak to the American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU) and the Florida Justice Institute.  It was refreshing to hear passion to fight for J.J. and all the other men and women on the inside!  Together, the organizations already a response to the Florida DOC in regards to the proposed revisions of Chapter 33 Rule #33-602.208 titled Inmate Internet Presence. 


The best way that we can help is to send a letter to the Florida DOC outlining your concern of how inmates and their families will be affected by the proposed revisions.  To take away a safe outlet of communication is a concern about the rehabilitation of the men and women on the other side of the fence, which affects the prevention of institutionalization. 

Below is a sample letter that you can use to send in!  If you enjoy this blog, if you care about the rehabilitation of inmates, if you care about the importance of keeping families connected, PLEASE take a minute to send a letter in.  (Letters sent asap that will reach Ms. Fleckenstein by Monday will be VERY HELPFUL to encourage that the proposed revisions be revised.  BUT, a letter sent will be helpful if she receives it after Monday too!)



LaDawna Fleckenstein
501 South Calhoun Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

August 6, 2013

Dear Ms. Fleckenstein,

This is a letter of concern regarding the proposed revisions to Chapter 33: Rule #33-602.208, titled Inmate Internet Presence.

I read a blog that tells the story of prison life through a friend's eyes. It is eye-opening to see how the men and women change over the years of their sentences. Furthermore, I have witnessed how my friend has stayed connected to the outside through his writing and art.

I firmly believe that the blog, where his stories and art are shared by the choice of a loved one, is an outlet to help keep friend connected to family and friends, and the outside world, which has played a critical role in helping him on his journey of rehabilitation while doing his sentence, and preventing institutionalization.

The proposed revisions creates a concern that the healthy, productive and rehabilitating benefits that my friend currently experiences will be greatly limited.

Again, this letter is my statement to oppose the proposed revisions to Chapter 33: Rule #33-602.208. I appreciate your time and your consideration to review these concerns!

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