Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Welcome Aboard!

I asked my friend Brooke to introduce herself on the blog.  She did.  I am proud to welcome her aboard..... 

For the last few months she has managed all the posts you read, and the super fabulous art you view.   She posted her introduction and mailed me a copy so I could read it.  I enjoy her outlook on life.  Brooke takes a more conservative approach on life than I do.  And....she's still on your side of the fence too.  Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here.

While reading her introduction, I laughed when I read her comment about S'mores, canoe races and campfire songs.  For never being in prison, she has taken time to become educated about life behind bars.  Something many people never do.  Unfortunately, those are the same people who jump to comment on how "easy we have it".

The ironic part is their comments will change tomorrow when their own son/daughter, brother/sister, cousin or friend is convicted and locked away.  Trust me, Karma is a bitch and about the time we feel we have all the answers she shows us differently.  So is life.

That same sheriff that banned mail in the Muskegon jail?  He changes his tune when he has one too many drinks at the local waterhole and hits a pedestrian on his drive home.  He catches a felony-manslaughter charge and is sitting in jail himself.  About that time, he's gonna wish he could get a little more than a postcard from his loved one at mail call.  What?  You think the sheriff is above the law?  Shit happens!

Whether you believe in Karma, Buddah, or God himself....you try to play God?  Prepare to meet him.  While you sit in your lonely cell, you'll have plenty of time to chat with him.

Brooke also stated that she doesn't always agree with me.  No, she doesn't and she tells me when she doesn't. We are both 33 years old, but have lived completely different lives. While she tells me about college, Corporate America and raising kids.......I tell her about stealing cars, selling dope and toting guns.  I smile to meet the woman she became, and the friend who never points a finger in my direction.

The world needs more "Brookes".  I'm proud to have her as my partner on this blog.  I will try hard to not corrupt her in the process. :)  Really, my pieces are less offensive....I think.

Now, the people I offend mostly are in my yoga class.  Yeah.  I say "yoga" and you think I'm in a country club.  In fact, studies show that yoga, church and meditation tend to calm prisoners and cut back on aggression problems.  Yoga is anything but calming to me when I'm tied into a pretzel, then stood on my head.  My stress is relieved in the form of gas....from my ass, and the only people I'm offending are the others in my class.  They finally made me move my mat to the far back corner.  Now, I get a splendid view of a dozen men's asses as they do Sun Salutations in front of me.

Bottom line?  I'm doing something right these days.  On the street I was fired from jobs, late to work, violated my probation, fucked up a marriage and was in and out of jail.  I was far from reliable.  Today, I wake up early every day, keep my family close, draw art, write for a blog, attend classes and I haven't been in any trouble in a long time.

I keep my family close by mail.  Sherriff Postcard, you want to help your community?  Allow the men and women to communicate with friends and family from your jail.  Cut that off?  You cut off a prisoner's life line.  A life line that they need as they work to better themselves!

Allow me to personally thank each and every person who stops to read this blog.  This project is a labor of love.  It runs on donated time.  Something I have plenty of.  Brooke?  Not so much.  We do this not just for me, but to give you something to think about.  I see you.  Thank you for your time!  If you enjoy this, then please "like" us on Facebook.  Share us with a friend. Just come back...ya hear?  HA!HA!

Peace out!   


Brooke said...

Thank you for the kind welcome, my friend! And, let's hope that Sheriff Postcard changes his tune some day.

Ester Jean said...

Brooke, we are blessed as a family to have you as a friend! When I found out all the ways my life was about to radically change, I was totally overwhelmed. TOTALLY. I think you remember those days! With every snag we have hit (me & my man), I have felt so blessed that YOU made it possible for J.J. to roll on. You are a powerhouse, sister! Thank you for rescuing us, for breathing new life into J.J. Thank you for relieving me. Thank you for supporting our local felon! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I too appreciate more than words can express the efforts both of you women have put into this project. I know it has enabled Michael to not become "institutionalized" which is almost a death sentence for an inmate. Without the contacts with outside and support of good people who love them.....well, unfortunately, they often end up right back where they are now. It is contact with the "outside" that can keep a prisoner looking at what life is really all about and yearning for that....and working on their shortcomings. We all have shortcomings, we all need solid support and a reason to get up each day. More so if someone is behind the fence and facing a long time there.
Ester and Brooke....I salute you both and will be forever thankful for giving my son hope and a way to express himself. You are both powerhouses and I love you dearly.