Monday, October 15, 2012

A Memo Re: Life in Prison

This has been passed all over, from inmate to inmate at J.J's new camp.  Another inmate wrote this, and is letting us share this with you!  (Sorry, this has been scanned to publish, which makes it slightly difficult to read.  But a good read none-the-less.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

24 almost made me weep.

And fuckin A, I swear to god, 98% of that frickin list (and the memorandum) apply to military members who have done deployments. OK - scratch that - I mean ARMY or MARINES. Air Force is in a posh setting with a fucking beer allowance every day. They aren't doing dick. Anyway, holy shit, these lists should be passed around at basic training. Those kids have no idea...