Tuesday, October 30, 2012

J.J. Joins Us via PHONE!

Brooke (childhood friend who is proud to keep this blog going) and Ester (J.J.'s sister who started this project!) work together with J.J. on speakerphone straight from prison to create his new hustle - Prison Pops, made with Jolly Rancher candies.

Unfortunately, a Prison Pop is not created, but enjoy hanging with us!   (NOTE J.J. gets very hard to hear between 1:30 and 4:00, but at 4:00 you will hear him again loud and clear.)

Later after this call Phillip (baby brother to J.J. and Ester) showed up and cranked out a Prison Pop with J.J. 

Here is what a Prison Pop looks like when done:


Ester Jean said...

PSH! You forgot to mention that Phillip said that, apparently, water in prison gets MUCH hotter than we would ever have it here at our house and he KNEW that, so he was successful. It was a joke trying it in 15... set us up for failure! haha. What a stinker

Brooke said...

HAHAHA! I considered telling the whole truth. So, I am glad that you did! Phillip received different directions from the very start....blowing into the glove, turning it inside out (the candies slide down the finger MUCH easier!), and using hotter water all help get to making a prison pop. What a stinker indeed.

Anonymous said...

Wow- great idea! It was so nice to hear JJ's voice. Hope you do it again soon. Keep up the good work!