Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Meth affected the life of J.J. also

So, last week a young lady caused a car chase with the police while under the influence of drugs.

I (Brooke) first saw this on Facebook several days ago, and I have been disturbed ever since.  What disturbed me?  The hundreds of hateful comments left under her picture. 

J.J. lost 12 years of his life to drug addiction.  Meth (reportedly the drug she was addicted to) affected the life of J.J. also.  I am grateful that J.J. is clean and has chosen a new path.  And I am proud to stand tall next to him, and share his story with you in hopes that we all remember to stop and help one another, care about each other, and stop condemning and judging each other.

This woman needs help.  Not bad hair jokes.  This world needs less hate, and more love.

To read about the police chase, go to 


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