Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Second chances.  I wonder how many fathers wish at some point in life they could have one.  Happy Father's Day to the man who made my life possible.  The man who comes to this prison and stands in a line to visit his boy.  I can't begin to imagine how that feels, but I do know a little about second chances.

At the age of 19, I gave my little baby girl over through adoption to a family who I knew could provide her with the love and care she would need to become a great woman.  You see, event at 19 I wished that for my little girl.

I went on to live life for myself.  The more time that went by the more I have thought about the little girl I made.  Nearly four years ago I was given a second chance to once again become a part of this special little girls life.  There was a stipulation from her mother.  I would need to decide whether I would stay this time.  No more coming and going.  The decision to stay forever changed my life.

This August my little girl turns 16.  On that same day I also celebrated three years without a cigarette.  I made that choice for the both of us.  She helped me keep that decision.  She has saved my life in more ways than one.

I made a great little girl and I hope to one day become a great dad.  I love you little lady.

Happy Father's Day, Dad!  Happy Father's Day to all the men out there who never give up on their kid.  It must be hard to pull up to a prison to visit your boy.  God bless the children who never give up on their parents.  Who look past all their faults and shortcomings and love.  After all, its because of the kids that we have a Father's day.

To my dad, the music man!


This Father's Day I want to wish you the very best and thank you for being more of a father than I could ask for.  Over the years, you've been my dad, best friend, mentor, provider and most of father!  You've been there when I've needed you.  Stood by my side and gave me love even when at times I didn't deserve it.  I couldn't have made it without you and I appreciate all you've done not just for me, but for mom too!  I can't really express my gratitude enough, however, I can dedicate this day to the best father in the world....YOU!  Thank you for being my father.  I love you and miss you so much.  Happy Father's Day Larry!

With Love, Your Son, Ran

Keep on Truckin'!

This year, I would like to wish a few important people a happy father's day starting with my dad, Richard; my brother, Jerry and my two brother-in-laws, Eric Ledferd and Scott Mathews.  I hope all of you have a great Father's Day.  This will be my second father's day away from my daughter, Kelsey.  I have one more father's day to go.  I can't put in to words what it will mean to me to come home and try to make up for all the family times I have missed.  I know it won't be easy but with a little luck and God willing I will be home in 16 months.  Then I can start fresh and become  the dad I started out as.  Well, I'll see you all soon.  Thanks for every thing y'all do for me in here.  Love ya!  Ricky

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Another tear jerker to write. I am so incredibly honored to be a part of your lives and helping to share your heart with those that you love!

Happy Father's Day to each of you amazing dads!!

Happy Father's Day to J.J.'s dad! I'm so glad you had a happy father's day with Michael!!!

Happy Father's Day to you, Michael! You are one bad-ass dude, but so sweet, my dear. You are a true gift. :)