Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Looking out my windshield at the next exit sign.  In the rear-view, I just had a most wonderful visit with my friend and partner, Brooke.  During her visit she explained to me the zoo she encountered in order to get into the visiting area.  I replied..."welcome to my world."  The same swarm of line-jumpers that push and shove to be the first folks that she encountered are the parents and family members of the dudes I live with.  On the other hand, once inside the visiting park our visit was beautiful.

My time continues to literally fly by.  Another summer is here.  Since being released from confinement, I now reside in a new dormitory.  This has allowed me to meet another group of guys.  The jews.  That may sound funny.  As I wrote it just now it made me chuckle.  I have come to enjoy the company this new housing situation has brought me.  I marvel sometimes that I have met some stand up guys during my time if incarceration.  Guys I will no doubt remain in touch with after my release.

Looking back over my life, I was no type of friend before prison.  At least on no level close to where I am today.  I am a man of my word.  I can keep a commitment since drugs have no influence on my mind any longer.  Not only do I enjoy the friendships I have made here, but I enjoy knowing someone else can feel the same about me.  Prison is far from rehabilitating in itself, yet there is a group of men who have found inner strength to allow this experience to inspire change.

Change is good.  Men who change will not come back to this place.  Change and a will to be better is a common denominator whether you are a Baptist, Catholic, or a Jew.  Change knows no racial boundaries.

As I ride life's highway, I am ever changing.  The only reason you can't teach an old dog a new trick is because they are stuck in their ways.  For what its worth, that's also bullshit.  An old dog will learn a new trick.  More often its people who won't accept change.

Today I am a prisoner.  But all my tomorrows are an adventure.  I long for the day I am free.  No longer restrained by the perimeters D.O.C. sets in place.  Until then, I will keep my life open to change.  At the ripe old age of 34, I still love to learn a new trick.

Besides...what would you think if someone was trying to get you to sit, stay!!  Roll over and play dead.  That old dog still knows what your saying.  You just don't understand what he's saying to you.  He's saying...."Fuck you!!"

That old dog has learned the water is always cold in the toilet, the trash can is the land of milk and honey and it feels good to lick your asshole.

I'm not sure what I was trying to say here exactly.  You're probably wondering the same. 

Please allow me to take the time to personally thank you for being a part of my life.  Just as I meet good men here daily, you as the reader are also a part of my life.  I can't promise you nuggets of inspiration, as you may walk away confused and scratching your head.  Eh.....welcome to my life.  I still pinch myself some days to see if I'm really here in prison.  I find that in fact yes....yes I am indeed in prison.  But for the last ten minutes, I have been hanging out with you.  It's been fun.      

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