Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting My Rear in Gear

Hey guys and girls!  Have uh… have I mentioned before that I live in an 18-foot camper?  I’m not kidding here.  I’m not super materialistic, but have you tried moving all of the crap you’ve accumulated from a 3-bedroom house into an 18-foot camper?  It means you have to throw away (and by “throw away” I mean donate) all those awesome clothes you swear to god you’re going to fit into again someday….  It means you have a garage sale where you have to look away when somebody buys your favorite chair for hundreds of dimes less than you paid for it, lest they should see you shed a tear.  It means you try like hell to cram all the rest of your stuff into a tiny little space you’re gonna share with one grown man and one grown bulldog, and then a month later, go through it all and somehow find another couple industrial-sized trash bags full of donations.

What does this all mean to you?  Well, it means my paperwork is a clusterf$*k, strewn from a pile on top of the scanner, across the table top, over to the couch, and tucked into plastic drawers.  It means that I am a little more prone to losing things now than I ever was before.  And it means sometimes I lose posts, don’t even remember that I have them, and then suddenly find them on Saturday morning when I’m going through everything I own, and I go “Oh, damn” and find a way to post it where it belonged.

Hence, there is an update for the Amy Winehouse portrait, a post written by Michael and I neglected to even notice at the time, let alone post with the portrait, so please go check that out if you’re interested.

…Also in case you’re interested, living in an 18-foot camper means that when you possess what you consider to be a collection of priceless artwork created by your brother in prison, any fears you may have of your house flying off a snowy mountain and those pieces being lost forever are actually a little legitimate, and you’re totally not a paranoid freak.  Can I get a “word?”  Word.

After you’ve ditched me to see what Michael wrote about Amy, come on back here and check out my next post, which was also misplaced for probably about a month.


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