Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jumping Off (Guest Post by Ester Jean)

During the first couple of years Michael was in prison, I likely sent him only a handful of letters.  He kept writing, and I kept setting his letters aside.  When he found out I was a blogger and lived half my life in cyber-space, he jumped at the opportunity to propose this idea to me – this blog project.  I didn’t know what to think.  Does he know the internet is forever?  I had no idea that this project would blossom into a part-time [unpaid, thus far] job, an up-and-coming graphics company, and a way to connect with people all over the world.  I also had no way of knowing that it would create a real relationship with my brother to replace one that was practically non-existent before. 

Here’s the deal.  When someone has his own blog, he thinks, ‘Hrmmm, I think I will write something today’ and clickety-clack on the keyboard, hit “post” and he’ll read the comments later. 

This is why we call it a “blog project” instead of just a blog: I get out of work, go to the post office, check the mail, get mail from Mike, read it, make a note on the envelope about what’s inside of it, later I’ll type up the piece, look up pictures to go with the post, copy and paste the typing from a word-processor to the blogger form, upload the pictures, edit the post, post the post, post the link to the blog on my Facebook page, post the link to the post on J.J.’s Facebook page, keep coming back to respond to comment and questions, copy comments and questions, paste comments and questions in a letter for Mike, monitor Facebook for goodies left on my wall and J.J.’s about his posts, look for new followers, check on our stats, do lots of copying and pasting and screenshots so he can get the feel for what everything looks like, write and let Mike know what the hell is taking so long for this to post or that to post, research whatever the hell screen-printing is and how much it costs and who all does it and who can offer me the most bang for my buck, spend a few hours studying the process to apply for a trademark (legal jargon!  FUN!), apply for trademark… um… Shall I move on? 

I also sink a good little bit of dough in printer cartridges for sending him updates, which arrive at the prison in big fat packages for everybody to get excited about.  …And the stamps…. 

I got a letter from Michael just today, in which Scottie wrote directly to me for the first time.  He writes this darling, full page of sweet encouragement and what a difference I am making, then at the very bottom in this tiny, tiny block lettering, it says, “P.S. By the way, could you please send Mike some stamps ‘cause he’s using the shit out of mine.”

Stamps are a hot commodity and boy, oh boy, can we go through some stamps!

This is a project because nobody is making money, nobody is profiting in a material way [yet!].  This is a beautiful thing.  …Well, to me, of course, and to Michael.  We certainly know there are plenty of people who don’t approve of Michael’s liberty to exercise freedom of speech while he is incarcerated, and Michael wouldn’t have that freedom except through me (well – I’m sure he’d find a way if it weren’t for me, just patting myself on the back there…).  So I’m a bad guy too, if we are just paying attention to the haters.

There is another way Judicious Jailbird has changed my little part of the world.

I started this job.  A real life job, not the “project.”  …And we do the whole get-to-know-co-workers thing.  That’s always a shy, peculiar sort of experience.  I am particularly shy because I just dropped out of college, so I’ve got that going for me.  And on one of many smoke-breaks I take with a co-worker of mine, we’re talking about the future, talking about college, talking about jobs that don’t require college, etc.  You know – smoke-break kinds of things.  And at one point I felt on the ledge.  At a jumping-off point.  …That split-second when you’re about to open your mouth to say something, but you’re suddenly unsure if it’s OK to say.

She asks something like, “What do you do in your spare time?”

“My brother is in prison.  And we are working on a blog project together.”

First, who the hell is expecting to hear that? Second, who admits they have a brother in prison?

This girl. 

(I'm kinda vain - has anybody caught onto that yet?  Good.  Moving on...)

This might not sound like any kind of an issue to you, reader, because you’re sitting at home or at work or at a local coffee shop or in a grass hut somewhere reading a prisoner’s blog.  But to, you know, other people, this might just make them take a step back and go, “Say, what?”

Say what, indeed.

So my jumping off point here, and the start of a good change in my life, was openly talking about having a brother in prison.  …And loving him.  …And caring about sharing his voice and his great skills in artistry.

Know what I hear 80% of the time?  “Oh!  Wow!  My husband [father, brother, son, uncle] is/was in prison!”

I wonder how often people talk about their family members and loved ones who are locked away.  I wonder how often people feel safe talking about that.  There’s a weird feeling when you’re about to tell somebody.  How does that reflect on me?  I mean, I’m not in prison.  I didn’t get caught do anything wrong.  But what are they going to think of me/my family/my loved one if I admit that this is for real?  …That this is a real part of my everyday life?

I loved that first day when I took a leap, and I got a positive response, an interested, curious response, a response that opened a doorway for talking about something it’s kind of taboo to talk about in polite society.

Since then, I have received messages from people who talk about their loved ones who have been or are still incarcerated.  I love getting those messages.  I love being one person they might feel safe talking to.  The funny thing is that once I opened up about it, so did my friends. 

Ever go to the lake with a group of friends late at night, when it’s been dark and cool, and the water sets a deep chill through your toes right when you step in?  You know that feeling when the first person, without consulting anybody, without warning, dives in head first?  It makes you feel OK to go ahead and dive in yourself.

Our loved ones don’t need extra shame from judgmental people on the outside.  They’re doing their time.  They are still our brothers, your fathers or sons, your friends or husbands.  They also face the futures - the planning, the credit card applications, the job hunting, the goal-setting, birthday parties – we all do.  They are still here.  They don't need to be hidden. 

 My brother blesses me with long letters filled with pages of encouragement.  We talk business, we talk about our goals and dreams, we talk about the future, home-buying, job-hunting, college classes, current and future children, we talk about sex, friends, marriage, our parents and siblings.  I write to Michael almost every day, and he gets every part of every rollercoaster-ride day I’m having - my sarcastic, cussing, bitchy sense of humor, every complaint my mind comes up with about my job or money or whatever is going on in my world….  He doesn’t try to advise me unless I ask, he doesn’t tell me what I should be doing, doesn’t guilt me when I have huge gaps in between posts, he just keeps writing page after page of encouragement, on top of writing posts for J.J. and drawing artwork and keeping in touch with friends and family.

He built this for me with his bare hands:

*(Isn’t that nice?)

I want to challenge you to do something.  Do you know anybody [other than Mike] who is in prison?  I do.  Is someone you love behind bars?  Have you told anyone?  Will you try?  …Try with the most casual tone you can muster up, as if you’re saying, “I’m going to lunch with my husband and getting a cheeseburger.”  Or “I had my annual check-up yesterday and it didn’t hurt a bit.”  Or “My brother is in prison, and I’m working on a blog project with him.” 

*Copyright Michael Smith, 2011.  
All rights reserved.


Erica H said...

Thank You Ester, I know how nerve racking it is to open up to "outsiders". What will they think of me? What will they think of my family? Will they say something about my loved one that is locked up? Will I respond? Should I respond? Will I smack the ignorance out of them? Will I smile while I beat them smart? Yeah, probably...but we won't do it literally, however, we can enjoy the thought at any rate.

Anonymous said...

You are doing an awsome job Ester!! Keep up all your good hard work!! If you save just 1 persons life, it makes it all worth it!! I know Mike appreciates you so much and I do too!! I also LOVE the picture!!


sweetmelin said...

I know I am only one of MANY believing this blog project to be a, "beautiful thing." As I've mentioned before, I believe Mike and you are changing lives as you share your gifts along this journey. I believe this to be true without any doubt or hesitation. I sincerely hope knowing this will lift you up on those days you possibly feel tired and down and overwhelmed; you and Mike both.

And regarding your "jumping off point," I can so relate. I've had the exact same experience. It was a friend's 50th birthday party and I had the same thoughts you mentioned race through my mind in a nano second. We were standing with some people in the kitchen, taking shots of Patron, and a father of one of my son's high school friends mentioned something, very vague, about his son having some tough times. I honestly don't remember his exact words, but I remember his then asking about our kids. It was then that I experienced the "jumping off point" of which you speak. Mind you, these were all friends from our kid's Parochial High School days.

Well, I jumped! haha I just calmly said something about how we could certainly relate to tough times with regards to our kids. I then went on to explain why our oldest son was, at the time, living in a halfway house, and would be for four months.

Just as you experienced a positive reaction, this father glanced at his wife, smiled a bit, and I saw a sense of relief in his eyes and I saw his body relax, I honestly did. He went on to give details about his vague mention of tough times, explaining his son had to wear a ankle bracelet monitor for a time.

I remember feeling pleased with the fact the not only did Dave and I remain real and true to ourselves and put ourselves and our family out there, so to speak, but I truly gave these parents the comfort and assurance that they could do the same, at least with us, and possibly gave them the courage to do the same with others.

Reading Erica's comment, I realize I am not at all sure what I would have done had the response been a negative one that night. I had only had two shots at that point, so I'm fairly certain I would have merely smiled and moved on. :) Again, as I have mentioned in past comments, given our family dynamics, our family is certainly no stranger to negative and judgemental, even critical comments. I certainly have experience and practice in dealing with such, as do my children.

I'm so pleased to read that your co-workers were accepting and kind after your "jumping off point." I am also so touched to read about your and Mike's relationship and your supportive and encouraging letters to one another. You are blessed so have such a sweet brother and sister relationship. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm just a bit envious of said relationship. Yeah, I know envy is a sin and all, but just roll with it. lol Ester, you understand, I know. Oh would it be ... but I digress.

Ok, well apparently I have talked much too much as I am being told my comment cannot be accepted as it is too long. Whaaattt?? Me babble on too much?! Pssshhh ... OK, I shall continue in another comment as clearly I do not for a moment believe any of this longass comment can be shortened as it truly is just that important. Um ... what were you saying about being vain, Ester? hahaha

sweetmelin said...

Ok, moving on ... And as for this picture Mike made, I LOVE it so so much! It is most tropical and beachy, and oh how I love the beach, it's my very favorite. There are so many details I absolutely love in this picture! The flower in the top right is especially cool! And the two little leaf tips peeking out below that, oh so cool. And the two little hearts in the center, possibly three, as I'm not sure if that is a heart on the birds tail, but omg I love hearts. haha Apparently I love a whole lot of things ... but moving on ... Speaking of the bird, the details in both birds is amazing and so beautiful. It looks to me like screws in the leaves, I'm assuming leaves, around the top bird. Is there some significance to that?

Oh my goodness, I could just go on and on about how amazingly gorgeous this picture is and how much I absolutely adore it! I is, hands down, my favorite so far! If I were MANY years younger, I would so rock this as a tattoo on my then lean and taught bod! lol Oh, and how cool would this be on a tank top?! Ok, I shall stop gushing now, but I just really do love this ... a lot. :)

And I love you, Ester, and you Mike. Thank you again, so very much, for blessing all of us with your stories, your thoughts and your feelings as you continue on with this blog project. :)

sweetmelin said...

Oh my goodness, there ARE three hearts, possibly four, but I just found the third! haha I was just sharing this with someone, and I noticed the third heart. :)

This brings back memories of my kid's favorite page in the Highlights Magazine, back in the day, the hidden picture page. :)

Seriously, I am so nuts for this picture. I may have already mentioned that. Like I said, it (yeah, not I, oops) is my favorite!

Anonymous said...


My children are far more advanced than me. Ester has given me "supervisory" status on this blog but I cannot figure it out!! Michael sent this to me to post prior to Ester's birthday so all of you could have an opportunity to wish her the best, the most, the finest, etc. But all I can manage to do is put it up as a comment to this post and Ester---this is your mother speaking: YOU MUST PUT IT IN THE MAIN BODY OF THE BLOG BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOUR BROTHER WANTS.



Last year, in October, I spoke to my sister Ester. I told her about this idea I had. My idea was simple. We would put my art and sill stories up on her FaceBook where her friends could read about my life. That sounds simple enough. However, as you all know, Ester's big brothers life is FAR from simple.

Ester could have said, "no-thanks!" As you can see, she did not. Instead she laughed her sill laugh, and said, "sure bro---let's run that shit."

So, on November 8th of 2010 I sent Ester the memorial piece for my friend Kimmy (K.I.S.S.) and a small packet of my random thoughts. I believe it was about a month later and Ester posted Kimmy's Memorial. You now know the project as "Jail Bird", or "J.J.". I draw the pictures and write the stories, but Ester brings them to life for you the reader.

Many of you are fully aware of all this. I am in prison. Aside from Ester making this blog possible, there would be no J.J. So please...I seldom ask much of you guys. This time I need to pull in all favors.

My sister Ester is the shit. She has brought me a ray of sunshine by doing the J.J. project with me. So please listen. Show my sissy some love!! July 21st is her birthday!! Maybe you read the blog but don't leave comments. Perhaps you don't see why your comment would make a difference. Let me tell you, it does. Right now I am asking each of you to show Ester your love.

If we have ever gave you a laugh, made you smile, gave you a reason to think, hell, maybe we pissed you off!! Tell my sis Happy Birthday (smile).

Jail Bird has just passed the six month mark and all I can say is WOW! I had no idea J.J. would become all this in such a short amount of time.

Ester, Happy Birthday!! We both had a laugh in the beginning. I remember telling you if no-one even reads this at least we will get to know each other better. And today you know FAR more about me than any sister should have to know about her brother (smile). The best part see all these cool people who DO hang out with us. Not only have we grown closer, people actually read this stuff. People from other countries!

Ester I am blessed to have you as my sister. Your faith in me has given me faith in myself. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You. Much Love to you,

Your big brother--MS

ethoma said...

Grass hut? Who gets internet service in a grass hut? I hardly get it outside of my house. LOL

Anyway, you are amazing Ester. You're witty and entertaining and so is Michael. Both yours and his words make me laugh, cry, and want to hug you two. Your strength is overwhelming to undertake such a project, but you do it seemingly effortlessly. He's not my brother, but you must know that I am proud of him like one. I have shared this blog with many of my friends because I know that Michael's words can help them.

Keep up the amazing work. By the way, I sent two books of stamps. I hope it helps. :-)

Be strong, beautiful Ester.

J.J. said...

Ms. Thoma, I had a mention of your offer in my first draft and somehow it was cut in the editing process. You don't know how much that helps and what a Blessing it is that you asked if you could do that. We both appreciate it so much! I am so pleased to have you as a reader :)

sweetmelin said...

The grass hut/internet comment made me laugh ... so true. :) I really enjoyed your comment. It so beautifully describes Ester and Mike and this labor of love. And ditto on the wanting to give both Ester and MIke a hug!


The mom,
You are so adorable, honestly, just so cute. I would not be able to figure this all out, either. I so like your comment; This is your mother speaking ... lol :)

You certainly are the incredible mom of these two incredible people, and we all are blessed because of it. Love to you ... :)

JOANNA F said...

Dearest Ester
Thank you for letting me into a part of your has been fun working with you, you always make me smile when you are around..I am really going to miss you when you leave..I wish you wouldn't go..but I know how important family is to you...I have truly enjoyed your company..and will stay in touch through this website throughout your and your brothers journey..God bless and keep you...Joanna F

Anonymous said...

Ester you are an amazingly articulate person. I love your mind.