Saturday, May 7, 2011

J.J. on Profanity

"My Mom had a comment for me:  “Son, your stories are funny, but your mouth – it’s terrible!”

Yes Mom, I know.

Perhaps I should do something about that.  Does my language offend you?

I live with a bunch of heathens, and we all talk like sailors.  We don’t shake hands, we bump fists.  You’re not referred to by your Christian name, but rather by a nickname you have somehow inherited.  We don’t talk things out, we fight them out, and when we communicate, there is a lot of profanity involved.

Things I have grown accustomed to are not normal.  Take “Prison Sex” for example: Enough said.
I know that when I am released back on the streets, I can’t live like we do back here.  You adapt to life behind this fence so you can survive.  On the street, if someone cuts the line on you, say at McDonald’s, and you knock them out, you’re the bad guy.  Tell me you haven’t thought about it though!

Driving down the road, a car cuts you off, then has the balls to stick his middle finger out the window at you!  Back here, you casually walk up to that individual and proceed to knock his teeth out.

We don’t call the cops back here.  You don’t threaten to sue, you man up.  If you’re big enough to interrupt the flow of another man’s life, there is a consequence to pay.  On the streets, everyone wants to dial 9-1-1 and sue someone.  That’s not how we do it back here.  Honestly, doing things this way keeps things simple.

In many ways, I have grown accustomed to this life.  My Mom made a good point though.  I tried to take it to heart a little.  So here are some of my thoughts without the language.

Thanks for the comment, Mom :)

In the future, I will make an effort to clean up my language a little.  I’m not making any promises or any resolutions.  However, I do feel we should always strive to be better people.  Perhaps I should quit using this place as an excuse for poor behavior.  Until I get it sorted out, please bear with me.  And for the love of God, don’t cut me off!!"


Erica H said...

I honestly believe that your profanity adds color to your them that extra punch of flavor, and realness...but then my mom was a torpedoman in the navy, so I quite often heard "did you do your f@#$%g homework yet?" or have tenderly been called a "little shithead" by just about everyone in my family as well as mom's friends. Which wasn't her/them being mean..just being normal...well,as normal as my family could ever be.

sweetmelin said...

My first thought while reading this was how very kind and thoughtful and respectful it is of you to care enough to take what your mother says into consideration. To me, that says so much more about you than does your, "terrible mouth." :)

I enjoy reading all of your blog entries, "terrible mouth" not withstanding. This could most probably be attributed to my having three boys, actually three young men, all of whom can, on occasion, have terrible mouths themselves. :)

J.J. said...

haha Candy, I think I cuss more than Mike in my own writing, but maybe that's just me thinkin' I'm cool.... And Erica, you turned out pretty sweetly for being called a little shithead, and it almost made me shoot Rockstar out of my nose at work when I read your comment on the "JJ Issues a Challenge" post calling HIM a little shithead.

I'm so cool, Ladies, that I shoot ROCKSTARs out of my NOSE!