Monday, June 20, 2011

Open Up and Say Ahhhh!

"Yeah, got your attention now, don't I?  Listen, I want to give mad props to my sister.  Ester and her husband have had a lifetime worth of shit handed to them in the last couple years.  My hat is off to you, sis, for the great job you are doing.

J.J. may experience technical difficulties from time to time.  That's OK folks!  You're in good hands with Ester and myself.  Please bear with us.

Please note the ART GIVEAWAY.  Come on, people, tighten up and put your name up there.  Often times, I wonder how many people read this blog.  There is really no way for us to tell other than counting hits." 

 (OMG!  MAMA!  Tell Mike we're gonna hit 10,000 this week! <-- Big dealz in our network of supporters)

"So, you want to do J.J. a favor?  Let's see how many of you will enter this art thingy.  Trust me, you are going to get a bad-ass piece of art.  I'm not going to cut any corners on you just because it's free.  Each and every one of you reading this blog put a smile on my face.

I'm just a Tattoo'd Hooligan doing time.  However, J.J. allows me to free my mind, and each one of you reading helps to lighten the pressure of life behind bars.  I kid you not when I say a very humble thank you.  That's from the bottom of my heart.

So enter this custom art giveaway.  Be a part of this thing.  Whoever wins this art is going to walk away with some sick art, plus bragging rights.

Show me and Ester some love here!  This is my way of saying thank you all for reading and for following my life.  J.J. is a couple months short of the one year mark.  Let's step it up some!  Come on, people - show some love for your local felon!

(P.S. from Ester, as of 8 a.m. Monday, June 20, 2011, only 10 days remain for you to enter the contest and only 6 entries!  SIX!  2x3!  Your odds of winning are ginormous!  *SIGH* ...and if your fear is that you'll go to the Post Orifice and ol' Hal the mailman narrows his eyes because you suddenly have mail addressed to you from a PRISON, don't worry about it... I, Ester, will be mailing you your piece from Alaska, and you will only get narrowed eyes from ol' Hal the mailman if he has some problem with Sarah Palin, freedom, or America, in which case he's a communist, and how did the United States Postal Service MISS that he was a communist when they hired him????  I kid, I kid!  But really, not kidding about the part where you will not be getting mail directly from a prison.  So don't you worry your little head about THAT.  This is all good, legal, fun, beautiful artsy stuff we're doing here.)

"Ester, you rock!  Thank you for connecting me to the world out there.  This thing continues to make me smile from ear to ear!"

Know what else has us in all smiles?  THESE GUYS:

Whaaa?  You don't know who that is?  Pshhh!  Are you KIDDING??  It's SCOTTIE AND HIS MOM!  Yep!  If you have no idea who I am talking about, then I feel sorry for you.  Go here or here to read some of the great stuff Scottie has written for this here blog thinger, then come back, say something sweet, and no cussin' cause his Mama's a lady!  Seriously, I was so super excited to open up a letter from Michael (this is Ester speaking - sorry, I know it gets confusing sometimes) and have this fall out of the envelope.  In my return letter to Mike, I drew a picture of how I had pictured Scottie in my head before I got the true visual.  It was hilarious "Count of Monte Cristo," Johnny Depp kind of graphics on lined yellow paper, and I hope Scottie laughs his ass off when he sees it.  Thanks to Scottie for being my brother's awesome friend, and thanks to Sherri for supporting her favorite felon.  We appreciate everything you two do and all that you are.  Moms kick ass!  
Much Love,



sweetmelin said...

Scottie and his mom are adorable. I can so relate to your (Ester's) story about how you pictured Scottie in your mind. It's like when I was in High School and I listened to my favorite DJ on the radio for so many years and upon actually seeing his picture he really didn't look anything like what I had imagined. A big hello and hug to Scottie and his mom. And I would agree with Ester, moms do indeed rock! :)

Personally, if it were me, it would totally up the badass quotient if I were to actually receive a JJ package straight from prison. Our neighbors already talk about our family anyhow, so I'm fairly certain they would appreciate the new material. :) And as far as our mail person, ours happens to be a cantankerous female who is fond of posting notes on cars complaining that she cannot reach the mailbox from her vehicle and she must actually exit said vehicle to insert mail in the box. ::gasp:: The note goes on to explain that our mail service may be interrupted if our box is continually blocked. What the heck ever happened to the old motto, "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds?!" Apparently a parked car is a deal breaker nowadays. But I digress, point being, just give me a reason Ms. Mail carrier. :)

And lastly, I read this giveaway blog straightaway after Ester posted. I immediately told her I thought it was a totally cool and exciting idea. What I didn't tell her was I thought I probably ought not enter as I already won my awesome "Jail Bird" mug. Also, I am already a proud owner of an awesome JJ original piece I received for my birthday. I guess I didn't want to appear greedy. :) However, after reading this entry, I now feel it my duty as a loyal JJ reader to risk the appearance of a greedy little bitch and enter my name as well. lol :D

I would also like to add my sincere thank you to Ester for doing a great job with this blog as she also juggles the rest of her life. Love you, Ester. xo

Anonymous said...

Incredible picture!! Did the short guy take it? And whoever took it made you both look good!

The Mom

Anonymous said...

Great to finally see you Scott!!! You and your Mom look great! There is nothing in the world quite like the love of a mother. Mike: Please never change. Only grow. Love you my lovely felon :)