Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet H.A.

J.J. has been about my life and my views on life behind this fence.  I write about my friends – the guys I do my time with.  We have each other.
Everyone who comes by J.J. has become a part of my life as well.  Yes, that would be you.  I figured it was time for you to meet the guys.  The dudes I do time with.  My brothers and the real Hooligans.
Last week you met my brother Scottie.  This week you will meet H.A.  I wrote about the birthday party some time ago.  This is the same guy. 
I need to mention one thing.  When you come to prison, you are a nobody.  The day you are given a nickname, you have friends, and have reached some sort of status on the compound.  You wear that name with pride.  It’s like a badge.
H.A. blew my cover and tells you my compound name.  It’s OPRAH.
Even my sister Ester didn’t know that.  Now you all do.  Laugh if you want, but when H.A. addresses me by that name, I know it is with hard love and brotherly respect.  H.A. is big and bad, and I am proud to have him in my corner.  Meet my friend H.A.

My name is H.A.
Life is school, we are here to learn.  Prison is my classroom.  When you come here you learn the rules real quick – outside life is no longer. 
This is literally the school of hard knocks.  You either fail or you toughen up and move on to the next subject – coping with your time.  Prison is a hard place to learn ‘cause everyone is against you - Inmates and guards alike… then the free world (we’re all scum, gonna-burn-in-hell-bitches). 
You have to make a decision: Am I going to make it, or am I going to fall apart?  Time can weigh on you heavy.  Some of these guys are never going home.  I am a lucky one.  I have a release date and I have three beautiful kids pulling for me, wanting to see their daddy again (I love when they say daddy with their little munchkin voices).
I’ve been in for a while now.  I started out a hard-ass - the fuck-you type – but that is how I was able to navigate my way through an evil mix.  If you want 12 rounds of throw-down, well, I’m your guy.
That choice got me no closer to my family.  I learned to move forward with my studies instead. 
Everyone walks around with their chest puffed out (I’m one of them).  It’s a survival tactic.
I’ve met some good bros in here, a lot of serious dudes doing serious time.  We have each other’s backs, not just for fights, but for friendship, guidance, and most important, someone who will listen and not judge.
You don’t show emotions in public (or the yard), but at the end of another routine day, time gets to you.  The loneliness, your family, and we all shed a tear.  Time sucks, and night-time is even worse.  If you have a good support group to fall back on it helps.  I have a few good bros in my corner.
It’s funny, the people you meet in here.  Not ha-ha funny, but people you probably wouldn’t meet outside.  I’ve met some good motherfuckers in here, some stand-up dudes I would go to battle beside (and have). 
Oprah – or J.J., as you know him – is one of those good dudes.  He’s my workout partner.  We have no weights in prison, so we use each other’s body weight.  He’s one of the few guys I discuss my family with.  He cracks me up with this project (J.J.), but I’m proud of him for going all the way with it.  It’s what helps him get through his day.  It gives him a personal goal.  It’s his fucked-up way to have mental freedom.  He has a great family and a beautiful lady (I’ve seen her – she’s hot).  But they’re pulling for him.  A lot of guys don’t have that. 
…Just like learning to shit and shower with dozens of men, you learn your own way to think outside these walls.  It’s not fun wondering if today you will have a few holes punched in your throat, or if some iron will be added to your diet, or – worse – if your family forgets you.  …Out of sight, out of mind.  I hope all the J.J. supporters keep it up, ‘cause for my buddy, you’re his family now.  You’re his mental freedom.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha where did "oprah" come from?

J.J. said...

I'll pass this question on to Mike, but I am guessing it has to do with the "judicious" part... like he offers advice? I'm guessing it's NOT 'cause he cries during every conversation :)

Anonymous said...

lmao its for sure because of his cryimg during conversations lol

spud said...

I was young but I remember this... you for sure were always looking out for me thank you for being there I love you ester

Anonymous said...

Hello H.A, I really enjoyed reading what you had to say. I cant imagine what a long road you have had to endure. My hat is off to you brother. I feel like i know you a bit thanks to what Mike tells me in his letters. I want you to know that we are not just supporting him but you also. You have a group of people on the other side of the fence that are wishing you God's best. I also want to thank you for having Mike's back. I pray for his safety everyday and i want you to know how much we all appreciate the love you have for him as your brother and friend. Love you for that. I think it was a great thing you did by sharing your heart here, it is going to help people all over the world! Thats huge. Dismantling the walls of hopelessness one brick at a time. People sometimes go an entire lifetime and never know the value of really reaching out. You are surpassing that. Truly honorable. ~A~

Anonymous said...

So now I've met you H.A. and thankful for the opportunity. I appreciate how honest you have been and hope that good will come to you for sharing the truth that is in your heart. It has impacted me and certainly will do so to others. Thanks for being real.