Wednesday, July 20, 2011



My children are far more advanced than me. Ester has given me "supervisory" status on this blog but I cannot figure it out!!  Michael sent this to me to post prior to Ester's birthday so all of you could have an opportunity to wish her the best, the most, the finest, etc. But all I can manage to do is put it up as a comment to this post and Ester---this is your mother speaking: YOU MUST PUT IT IN THE MAIN BODY OF THE BLOG BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOUR BROTHER WANTS.  (Ester is laughing hysterically.)



Last year, in October, I spoke to my sister Ester. I told her about this idea I had. My idea was simple. We would put my art and silly stories up on her Facebook where her friends could read about my life. That sounds simple enough. However, as you all know, Ester's big brother's life is FAR from simple.

Ester could have said, "no-thanks!" As you can see, she did not. Instead she laughed her silly laugh, and said, "sure bro---let's run that shit."

So, on November 8th of 2010 I sent Ester the memorial piece for my friend Kimmy (K.I.S.S.) and a small packet of my random thoughts. I believe it was about a month later and Ester posted Kimmy's Memorial. You now know the project as "Jail Bird", or "J.J."  I draw the pictures and write the stories, but Ester brings them to life for you the reader.

Many of you are fully aware of all this. I am in prison. Aside from Ester making this blog possible, there would be no J.J. So please...I don't think I ask much of you guys. This time I need to pull in all favors.

My sister Ester is the shit. She has brought me a ray of sunshine by doing the J.J. project with me. So please listen. Show my sissy some love!! July 21st is her birthday!! Maybe you read the blog but don't leave comments. Perhaps you don't see why your comment would make a difference. Let me tell you, it does. Right now I am asking each of you to show Ester your love.

If we have ever gave you a laugh, made you smile, gave you a reason to think, hell, maybe we pissed you off!! Tell my sis Happy Birthday (smile).

Jail Bird has just passed the six month mark and all I can say is WOW! I had no idea J.J. would become all this in such a short amount of time.

Ester, Happy Birthday!! We both had a laugh in the beginning. I remember telling you if no-one even reads this at least we will get to know each other better. And today you know FAR more about me than any sister should have to know about her brother (smile). The best part see all these cool people who DO hang out with us. Not only have we grown closer, people actually read this stuff. People from other countries! 

Ester I am blessed to have you as my sister. Your faith in me has given me faith in myself. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You. Much Love to you,

Your big brother--MS


Nick Kanakis said...

Hello JJ,
We have likely never met, I do know your siblings though.
I actually really look forward to seeing the JJ link on the facebook. I look forward to the stories for I am a fella that loves a good story! I always think" now heres a guy that could really bitch about some stuff" but you generally have a great outlook on your situation. Many people wouldn't be this positive.
I really like that you coose to do positive things(exersize, art, writing, education) instead of rotting in there doing nothing.
Keep up the good work, keep the stories coming, and when you get out, start Tattooing! I might have to come see you for some ink!

Erica H said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTER! I hope you have a rockin' day!

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Biiiiirthday dear Ester!
Happy Birthday to YOU!

You are one super-fab sister!
I hope your day is filled with joy!
Lots of Love to you!

grace smith said...

you are an awesome sister. you are going to be an awesome mother someday. thank you for all that you do for our family. you are a beautiful blessing. i can't wait until you are closer. the distance can never break the bond though. i love you, and happy birthday to you.

grace smith said...

tomorrow, of course.

Unknown said...

Love ya, girl!! happy happy happy bday!!