Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Guest Post by Scottie

“You have heard me talk about Scottie in previous stories and updates.  He is a big part of my life, and so are you, our readers.  I am proud at this time to introduce you to a man I feel honored to call my friend.  With no further delay, here is my friend Scottie….”

Mike – who you call J.J. – approached me a few days ago and asked that I write an introduction of sorts.  Ha!  As you may all know, on numerous occasions I’ve talked with Mike and sometimes I’ve had to make sure I let him know not to write about our interactions.  So much for that… cuz now he wants me to write.  …So here goes!
My name is Scott but Mike likes to call me Scottie.  We’re ok as far as prison goes, so I let it slide J  A lot of what Mike depicts in his writing is 100% accurate, so I need not go into what being cool with someone entails. 
Throughout my entire prison sentence I have never met someone as genuine and unique as my friend Mike.  I had made several promises to myself during this time in my life, and making friends – real friends – was not one of them.  As unfortunate as that may sound, this last year of my sentence I can truly say I’m glad to have met Mike and acquire his friendship.  Many of our talks can be considered comedic, but often they are also brotherly.  Back here it is dog-eat-dog, may the best man win and all that territorial B.S. you hear about on TV and read on J.J.  Very few (and when I say very few, I mean close to 1 in 1,000) ever click with one another in such a way as I feel Mike and I have.  I’ve known Mike for a handful of months, but it feels like I’ve known him longer.  We sleep approximately 3 beds from each other in a room full of 80 bunks, so it’s kinda hard to not know each other J
I’m sure by now you’re thinking this is a “puff” piece to make Mike sound like a great guy (Note: it cost Mike 3 Honey Buns, 2 Snickers and a bag of coffee for everything written thus far… thanks Mike).  The rest?  Well, the rest is free.
I consider myself to be a funny guy at worst – or at best, however you want to think of it.  Time can play really mean tricks on you mentally and physically, and sometimes I defend myself with laughter.  I’m the guy some people love to hate ‘cause I’m always smiling or hitting you with a one-liner.
This place royally sucks and it can get downright unbearable at times (especially at night – see Prison Nights).  Mike and I had a ‘serious talk’ about this and we both agreed after lights out it’s no longer about what’s around you as much as it’s about what’s in your mind. 
Today is St. Patrick’s Day as I’m writing this, so that leaves me with 179 days before I get to go home.  This makes me smile even more.  Now, Mike knows I’m leaving.  But what he doesn’t know (until he reads this, of course), is that it also saddens me.  If you’re family or friends of anyone in here, you will know where I’m coming from.  I’m leaving a great friend behind and that sucks.  I plan on following J.J. and keeping contact with Mike as time goes on and he’ll always be a friend. 
OK, I’m not smiling now… I’m a little teary-eyed. *Sniffle-sniffle.*  …Hope nobody saw that.  …VERY un-prison-like. 
Anyway, as a friend of Mike’s, allow me to say thank you to all of you who read his stuff, admire his artwork, and most importantly, giving him the outlet from this place he needs so much.  Believe it or not, you all make his time here more bearable.  …Especially that wonderful person ~A.~  You should see his face when his name is called for mail call and your name’s on the envelope …priceless cheese J
Well, so much for ‘my’ intro.  I think I talked about Mike more than anything.  Oh well, it’s his show, just glad to have been – and to continue to be – a minor role. 
Thanks, Mike, for all the talks, all the countless hours of entertainment, and most of all, thanks for the laughter.  Every comedian thrives on this and you’ve given me more than I could hope for in this place we call prison.
-Scottie <--- yuck!


Anonymous said...

What a great friend he has in you Scott. Id like to thank you for every laugh and every smile you give to him. Hes really gonna miss you and so are we. Good luck to you and promise to keep in touch. Oh... and priceless cheese is awesome.. :) ~A~

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this post Scottie. It is a blessing to know that good, positive, solid friendships can be found in the most unusual places. I know you have been a real friend to Michael and he treasures that. Good luck to you and I hope you two can remain in touch somehow.
the MOM