Thursday, March 31, 2011

Military Shout-Outs from J.J.

"To the men and women who protect and serve our country:
I would like to personally thank you for putting your life on the line for people you don’t even know.  I put my life on the line for people I don’t know, but in a much different way.  …And they may wish they could take a bullet after reading my shit!  Before I get side-tracked, THANK YOU!

Thank you Noah for protecting and serving my sister.  You must be doing a good job because she is smitten J.  It’s been a very long time since I last saw you.  We were kids in a canoe race if I recall.  We will have to catch up in the future.  I really want to find out about the different water-boarding techniques.  You’ve got all those high-tech weapons.  We’ve got razor blades melted into toothbrush handles.  Keep safe doing what you do. 

Jokes aside, you risk your lives and my hat is off to you.  Perhaps my bullshit can bring a smile to your faces.
To my brother-in-law, Oz, Much love to you man.  You have also managed to nail down one of my sisters.  My sisters are the most special ladies in my life.  I am blessed as their older brother to know they have stand-up men in their lives.  Also a big thanks to Oz for allowing Ester to make this thing happen.  You are the first on my list to get ink when I get out.  I mean that.  Love you, brother.

You have heard about my friend Paulie, who is also a service man.  Much love to you, your wife, and your family.
My older brother was also in the service.  His main ‘detail’ now consists of a wife and five troops.  He may sometimes feel like he’s in a battlefield!  Haha.  Sorry bro, just playing!  …I remember what huge families are like J
To all of our troops, men and women, hats off and Much Love,"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also want to thank these service men for what they have chosen to give all of us. Noah, Andrew, Paulie---I think of each of you often. Noah and Andrew, you both have a part of my heart, in my just because you each are who you are. Paulie---call me and lets talk; I want to meet your family.