Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stand Up & Represent (and Shout-Outs!)

(Holy crap, I found it!)
"I’m looking at my last update here.  What I see is that the stars representing our East Coast visitors are plain smashed.  I can’t even see through all the stars on the map.  So my question is, ‘What’s up on the West Coast?’
I see you in California.  Matter of fact, I see all four stars along the west coast.  My dirty south has come through strong.  Guess that’s the whole ‘southern hospitality’ thing – spreading the love.
Honestly, I don’t know many people on the West Coast, but I’ll bet you do!  So, yeah - I’m talking to you!  Show a locked-up country boy some love!  Let’s see what can be done about that West Coast.  I mean, we’ve got soldiers in Afghanistan, dodging IEDs, sniper shells, and car bombs who still sign in!  They’re getting back from a hard day on the battle field and what do they do?  Sign on to J.J.
And what are you doing, huh?  …Dodging traffic on the way to 7-11 to buy a Slurpee?  Stand up and represent!  My next update comes in one week!  Make a call, tell a friend, show some love!  Let’s change the ‘Wheezing West Coast’ to the West Coast Warriors.  Wow- you see, that just sounds badass!  One week:  Let me see what you can do! 
Here are our most recent shout-outs:
Sabrina!  Talk about a blast from the past, huh?  Did you fall out of your chair?  It’s been a long time.  Glad you came by to check out my ranting and raving.  Always nice to hear people from my past are doing well.  Stick around – more cool stuff to come J  Tell your brother I said hello!
Angie!  So you remember the guitar playing, pot smoking, class-skipping… ok, ok, ahhhh well – I’m finally getting my shit together.  Ha!  You may remember the van in the parking lot… ok, so we’re all a little older now.  Hey, feel free to tell any of the old crew you’re still in contact with about this project.  …And take a dip in Higgins one time this summer for me, please J
Nick!  Home team from way back in the day.  How’s it hangin?  Ok, right – Salt N’ Peppa can say it and it’s cool.  I say it and it sounds odd.  Thanks for reading.  I also appreciate the comment referring to Stripper Diaries.  I was worried that just pissed people off – glad to hear somebody got a laugh.  Stick around!  I’m glad to have you on board!
Abby, Thank you for loving me.  You may frown on what I’m doing here – or did you just laugh?  I can’t see from here, but I’ll tell you this: Your big brother loves you tons!
Brooke, I heard you had stopped by to listen to me talk aboiut my failures in life J  It’s been quite a journey!  Today I’m a little older and, dare I say, a little wiser?  A lot has changed since we were little kids having snow-ball fights.  Beautiful memories!  I pray that you, my friend, are blessed and the sun shines brightly on you and your family.  I hope you stick around – the end is better than the beginning.
BEAU, My dear friend, as you read this, you find yourself a free man.  I imagine that has to be the best feeling.  My day will come.  The next time you see me, I’llbe on that side of the fence as well.  Until then, I am happy to know you are back with your family.  Do the right thing.  Never forget where you’ve been.  Keep your focus on the straight and narrow. 
Last, but not least, enjoy sex with something other than your hand!  You lucky bastard!!!


Anonymous said...

One more thing I don't really know what your in for not need to know, but when will you be free??

Brooke said...

None of us are perfect. Your stories have left me speechless, they have made me smile, and many have made me laugh out loud! I look forward to reading many more. Hugs to you!